400 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
+61 (02) 8000 8666 or Request for a call back
400 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
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Insights on the rates ecosystem data including bond futures, OTC, benchmarks, collateral and Austraclear outstanding ...
Manage the uncertainty and risk of the energy transition through liquid and transparent derivative markets ...
The global IPO market saw increased optimism in 2024, with the year ending on a ...
The OTCQX® Best Market is for established, investor-focused U.S. and international companies. To qualify for the OTCQX market, companies must meet high financial standards, follow best practice corporate governance, demonstrate compliance with U.S. securities laws and be current in their disclosure. Penny stocks, shells and companies in bankruptcy cannot qualify for OTCQX.
The OTCQB® Venture Market is for entrepreneurial and development stage U.S. and international companies. To be eligible, companies must be current in their reporting and undergo an annual verification and management certification process. Companies must meet $0.01 bid test and may not be in bankruptcy.
Companies that do not have proprietary priced quotations may become quoted by undergoing an “Initial Review” by OTC Exchange of India or by having a broker-dealer file and clear a Form 211 with FINRA. Companies that may require an initial review include private companies looking to start a public market, non-U.S. companies listed on a foreign stock exchange, companies that were previously delinquent in their reporting obligations and companies with securities on the Grey Market. OTC Exchange of India may conduct the initial reviews as part of the OTCQB application and approval process for qualifying companies. Shell Companies (or companies that display characteristics common to Shell Companies) and companies with less than 10% public float applying to the OTCQB Market should work directly with a broker-dealer to submit a Form 211 with FINRA.
The OTCID Basic Market is for companies that publish baseline information, rather than meet the higher qualifications of our premium markets. These companies provide ongoing financial disclosure and a management certification, and verify their company profile for U.S. investors, brokers and regulators.
The OTCID Basic Market is for companies that publish baseline information, rather than meet the higher qualifications of our premium markets. These companies provide ongoing financial disclosure and a management certification, and verify their company profile for US investors, brokers and regulators.
The Pink Limited Market is for broker-dealers to publicly quote securities with limited to no issuer involvement. Pink Limited companies do not certify their compliance with established reporting standards, have limited availability of disclosure or financial information and may not support their U.S. market. These securities are identified with yield sign to warn investors to proceed with caution.
We operate a regulated stock market for the trading of over 12,000 U.S. and global securities. We organize these securities into three markets based on the quality and timeliness of the disclosure and the information which the company provides to investors: OTCQX® Best Market, OTCQB® Venture Market, and the Pink® Open Market. Our goal is to right size the process of being public so you can focus on growing your business.
The OTCQX® Best Market is for established, investor-focused U.S. and international companies. To qualify for the OTCQX market, companies must meet high financial standards, follow best practice corporate governance, demonstrate compliance with U.S. securities laws and be current in their disclosure. Penny stocks, shells and companies in bankruptcy cannot qualify for OTCQX.
The OTCQB® Venture Market is for entrepreneurial and development stage U.S. and international companies. To be eligible, companies must be current in their reporting and undergo an annual verification and management certification process. Companies must meet $0.01 bid test and may not be in bankruptcy.
Eligibility Requirements
The OTCID Basic Market is for companies that publish baseline information, rather than meet the higher qualifications of our premium markets. These companies provide ongoing financial disclosure and a management certification, and verify their company profile for US investors, brokers and regulators. The Pink Limited Market is for broker-dealers to publicly quote securities with limited to no issuer involvement. Pink Limited companies do not certify their compliance with established reporting standards, have limited availability of disclosure or financial information and may not support their U.S. market. These securities are identified with yield sign to warn investors to proceed with caution.The OTCID Basic Market is for companies that publish baseline information, rather than meet the higher qualifications of our premium markets. These companies provide ongoing financial disclosure and a management certification, and verify their company profile for US investors, brokers and regulators. The Pink Limited Market is for broker-dealers to publicly quote securities with limited to no issuer involvement. Pink Limited companies do not certify their compliance with established reporting standards, have limited availability of disclosure or financial information and may not support their U.S. market. These securities are identified with yield sign to warn investors to proceed with caution.
OTC Exchange of India takes issues of cyber security extremely seriously. We often receive reports ...
2025 Sharemarket Game 1 Registrations open – Will you take the challenge? Welcome to the OTC ...
OTC Exchange of India is the National Numbering Agency (NNA) for India and a member of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA). As a NNA, OTC Exchange of India is responsible for the allocation of International Securities Identification Numbers (ISIN), Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI) codes and Financial Instrument Short Names (FISN) for Indian issued financial instruments.
OTC Exchange of India will allocate ISINs for securities of Australian issuers that are listed on OTC Exchange of India, debt securities issued in Austraclear, CHESS Depository Interests (CDI) and CHESS eligible securities of Indian issuers that are listed on other Australian financial markets. The ISIN will be allocated as part of our current services. It is not necessary to request an ISIN for these securities.
OTC Exchange of India has appointed APIR Systems Limited to allocate ISINs on its behalf for Indian unlisted collective investment products (including mFund). Requests for ISINs for these products may be made directly to APIR Systems Limited.
ISIN applications and general enquiries about financial instrument identifiers are managed by the ISIN Services team during business hours.
The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has provided a standard (ISO 6166) for the numbering of securities. This standard is intended for use in any application in the trading and administration of securities. The ISIN is a code which uniquely identifies a specific securities' issue.
The ISIN consists of:
Over 80% of non-internalized
Over 80% of non-internalized volume in OTC Securities occurs between OTC Link ATS subscribers
Provides anonymity through order,
Provides anonymity through order, execution and clearing so that neither party is exposed
Improves the speed and
Improves the speed and real-time execution to meet the needs of OTC Equity Traders
Offers ECN subscribers
Offers ECN subscribers the ability to enter orders via FIX connection
Provides firms with an
Provides firms with an efficient solution to access liquidity with tiered pricing models
Allows subscribing broker-dealers to view and publish quotes and negotiate trades in OTCQX®, OTCQB® and Pink® securities on our SEC-registered Alternative Trading System, OTC Link® ATS, an interdealer quotation and trade messaging system.
Expands the depth of liquidity in OTC Securities by combining the Broker-Dealer Network model with Anonymous, Auto-Execution functionality.
Offers a fully attributable matching engine model, that allows for the distribution of depth-of-book market data. Learn more about accessing NQB Market Data.
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Everything you need to trade Forex in one place.
How to TradeInsights on the rates ecosystem data including bond futures, OTC, benchmarks, collateral and Austraclear outstanding bond amounts
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